Services Offered by Dr. Diana
In-Office Consultation
استشارة ضمن العيادة
I’m available at Well Touch Medical center, khalifa city, Abu Dhabi for in-office treatments and free consultations! Book your appointments by contacting the clinic at 024476772.
متواجدة بعيادة ويل تاتش, مدينة خليفة, أبوظبي لأقدم علاجات للبشرة بأحدث التقنيات, كما أقدم استشارات مجانية ضمن العيادة. تواصلوا مع العيادة على الرقم 024476772
Online Consultation
استشارة أونلاين
You can schedule an online consultation with me, You can share your main concerns and I will either recommend in-office treatments or homecare treatments depending on your case.
بإمكانكم حجز معاينة أونلاين معي حيث ستشاركون أهدافكم في ما يخص البشرة والشعر وسأختار لكم خطة العلاج الملائمة مع كافة تفاصيل العلاج
In-Office Treatments
علاجات ضمن العيادة
After analyzing your skin, I will determine which treatment is best for you and will provide you with all the information needed. You will be fully aware of all the aspects of the treatment from the number of sessions to the period of time until you see results to side effects to the expected final results.
بعد معاينة البشرة سأختار خطة العلاج الملائمة مع مشاركة تفاصيل العلاج بكل شفافية والنتائج المتوقعة عبر الفترة الزمنية للعلاج مع المتابعة المستمرة مع كافة عملائي

The in-office treatments offered by Dr. Diana are:
– Dermapen
– RF Microneedling
– Peeling
– Hydrafacial
– Mesotherapy
– Oxygeno
– HF
Most treatments can be used for treating the scalp as well for an enhanced healthy hair growth.
“Taking care of your skin will boost your confidence and will give you real results that will last with care and you will feel good in your own skin”
Dr. Diana Heyloun

Recommended Skincare Products
Homecare is very important to maintain the results you get from in-office treatments because our skin is a living organ that will continue to change and is damaged by so many factors such as sun, aging, and the environment around us, which is why homecare is very important.
Dr. Diana has so much knowledge when it comes to product formulation and how it impacts our skin, which is why she decided to share her favorite products with you, click the link below to access a list of the products she recommends.
Let’s work together on getting
your confidence back
You are beautiful when you feel beautiful, so start there!
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